Unique Pieces
Upcycle // Design // Repurpose // Preloved
Upcycle // Design // Repurpose // Preloved
What does it take to transform an every day item to a work of art, what is it that adds value to something we use every day?
Here in InSpiral Tree, we strongly believe that the value of things is only as strong as the love a person has given to them. A love that can be given either from the effort of making them, using them, or simply associating them with blissful memories. Therefore, we provide you with everyday materials that are handmade from our creative team, making sure to give each piece it’s own unique style and personality, designing every single detail and manufacturing it carefully.
Once we’re done taking care of them, they’re ready to take care of you!
We are looking forward to what future holds for us, while we want to remain true to the quality standards set by our previous experience. Passionate with creating unique, “one of a kind” art or salvaging masterpieces from the past and bringing them back to life.
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